Well, we went to Hebron yesterday for the first time. My mom was apparently excited about it because she and Joy Bryan had looked up where everyone went on the website so I didn't have an excuse not to go I suppose. It was extremely helpful though, so thank you mom. I know I grew up in a much bigger church than what I have been going to, but the small 100 (that may be exagerating believe it or not) family church with 2 buildings is all my kids remember. Abbey was a little overwhelmed as we walked to E Building for her sunday school and children's church classes. She was nervous and said, "Mom, this place is so big, I like our old church where I know where everything is." I explained that I grew up in big churches like this and it can be a lot of fun and that she would know where everything was in no time. She had a good time and was thrilled that she didn't have to sit thru service like she did at Dacula this year. Josh wasn't keen on it until I told him they have karate that he could take on T and TH, then it was the best church in the world. Mary loved it from the minute I dropped her off and her teachers loved her so she was fine with it, but she's younger than the other two and has a pretty easy going personality. Abbey wants to be friends with everyone imediately and there are just too many people to do that in one Sunday, but she will settle in. Josh stays on edge in situations like that where he knows no one, but I checked on him between sunday school and church and he had made a couple of friends so that eased my mind a little.
It wasn't a good sunday to get a real feel for the church...the sunday school class I visited(co-ed singles 30-45) had a substitute teacher because the real teacher was on vacation, the pastor was on vacation so the assistant pastor preached, the chior is on their 2 week hiadous for the summer, and the numbers were tremendously down in both sunday school and church. It was still nice though, very contemporary, which is not what I am used to but I do not oppose it at all. Amazingly, at least for this week, it still had a small church feel to it if that makes sense. Everyone was very nice and genuine, they do an invitation just like everywhere else, which I guess I wasn't expecting for some reason, but I liked it. The Praise team is great! The choir loft seats about 125 (mom counted) which will be so much different than the 22 person choir I've sang with for the past 4 years--but it will be awesome, I'm sure!! So, I think we will stick it out and see how it goes at least for a little while, but I'm pretty sure we will stay!